Temperature dependent (4–295 K) photoluminescence and transmission spectra are analyzed to study the effect of changing the different components of a perovskite compound, be it A,B, or X. Four different films are compared: FAMAPbSnI3, FAPbI3, FAMAPbI3, and FAPbBr3. The low temperature results highlight the changes that occur, especially underlying ones that are easily masked at room temperature. The overall Stokes shift is of similar magnitude at room temperature for the three Pb only based samples. This is governed by the interaction strength ΓLO, phonon energy ELO, and exciton binding energy Eex. One exception to this behavior is the Sn based FAMAPbSnI3 film, which shows a lack of Stokes shift between the absorption and photoluminescence. However, the strong absorption (more than 100 meV) below the band gap is indicative of an excitonic feature that has a large density of states. Transient absorption measurements confirm the trends observed in continuous wave (CW) measurements; the three Pb only films all show the convolution of an excitonic feature within 20 meV of the band gap as a contributing factor to the photobleach along with a region of high energy photoinduced absorption (PIA). However, the behavior for the Sn based film is notably different (just as it is in the CW measurements) with an unusual low energy PIA and a lack of high energy PIA. The large unusual low energy PIA is attributed to the large sub-band-gap absorption observed in the CW transmission/absorption measurements. Notably, regardless of interchanging components, the slow cooling of carriers in metal-halide perovskites shows little effect of ΓLO,ELO, and Eex. As such, here it is proposed that while the initial cooling of carriers is attributed to LO phonons, the overall cooling of carriers is dominated by the intrinsic low thermal conductivity of all metal-halide perovskites, which limits the dissipation of acoustic phonons in these systems.
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